Dress Code

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YES Prep Northside Dress Code & Uniform Expectations 2024 – 2025 

Will uniforms be required for students?   

Northside students are required to wear a YES Prep polo shirt on Monday and a YES Prep Northside spirit shirt Tuesday through Friday to strengthen school pride, unify the community and to promote a college-going culture.  






Northside polo

Northside Spirit Shirt

Northside Spirit Shirt

Northside Spirit Shirt

Northside Spirit Shirt or College T-Shirt



Items that will be Provided by YES Prep 
  • Student ID badge and lanyard


What do I need to purchase?   
  • Uniform shirts

  • Backpack, must be clear or mesh 

  • Dress code bottoms 

  • Dress code shoes 

Click here to order uniform shirts: https://www.yesprep.org/families/dress-code


Where and how do I receive the uniform items after my purchase?  

Uniforms will be delivered directly to the student during the week.

 What if I want to buy more YES Prep spirit shirts or polo shirts?   

Families may purchase uniforms anytime throughout the school year. Please visit this link to order:  https://www.yesprep.org/families/dress-code


Schedule of uniforms and samples of the shirts offered


What are the dress code expectations?  

ID Badge 

Students must always wear Student ID badges while on campus.  ID badges must always be worn on a lanyard and visible.  



Students may choose between pants, skirts, or shorts of the following:   

  • Khakis (any color)  

  • Jeans (any color)  

Additional Bottom Requirements: 

  • Students may not wear pajama pants  

  • Shorts and skirts should be 2 inches above the knee  

  • No Athletic Bottoms

  • Bottoms may not have holes/tears.  

  • Students are not required to wear belts. 



For safety purposes, all shoes must meet the following criteria:  

  • Closed-toed  

  • Must have backs (i.e. no slides)  

  • Must have hard soles (i.e. no slippers)  

  • Any color is permitted  

  • Crocs are allowed in sport mode only 

YES Prep Shirts 

  • On Monday, students are required to wear a designated Northside Polo 

  • On Tuesdays-Fridays students are required to wear any YES Prep Northside T-shirt (Spirit Shirts, Senior Signing Day t-shirts, YES Prep Northside athletics t-shirts, etc.), including the NS Spirit shirts from previous years. Students may also wear College T-Shirts on Fridays only.

Students are not required to tuck in shirts. 

Free Dress Shirts 


There may be designated Free Dress Days throughout the year.

Clothing should meet the following criteria:  

  • T-shirts are acceptable; however all clothing and accessories must be school appropriate: YES Prep prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on T-shirts that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene or that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance, show gang affiliation, or depict violence in any way.  

  • No tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, net or sheer tops, shirts with spaghetti straps, or strapless tops for any student.  

  • No bare midriffs (half shirts) allowed for any student.  

  • No open-toed shoes. 



Students may only wear YES Prep outerwear  to build school-pride and community: Students may choose from the following:  

  • YES Prep sweatshirt (purchased through YES Prep) 

  • YES Prep cardigan (purchased through YES Prep) 

  • Campus athletics department outwear (purchased through campus Athletics Department)  

  • Campus-issued grade level or spirit sweatshirts etc. (purchased through campus as applicable)  



Students may have visible piercings and tattoos as long as messaging and images are school-appropriate.  

Accessory items that are spiked (bracelets, belts, collars) are not permitted due to safety reasons.   

Students may wear a variety hairstyles and colors. Head shaving designs are permitted as long as images are school-appropriate.  

Hats and sunglasses are not permitted for safety purposes.  

Religious head-coverings are permitted. 

Backpack Policy 


All students are required to use clear or mesh backpacks.  

For more information about this new policy, including Frequently Asked Questions, click here.


YES Prep’s updated dress code policy 

YES Prep’s dress code policy is centered around values of equity and school pride. The YES Prep dress code allows for building individuality and allows for community building through campus-specific attire. The dress code is a daily expectation and should meet district and campus guidelines. Like all YES Prep policies, if a student’s dress or accessory choice poses a concern for student physical or emotional safety, a campus administrator has the discretion to disallow the dress item.  

The specific dress code policy for the 2024-2025 school year for each campus will be shared soon. Each school will communicate this information directly to their families when available. 

For more insight into YES Prep’s dress code policy, click here.