About Us

Passion, Resilience, Integrity, Discipline, and Empathy, the Northside PRIDE are laser-focused on college-readiness for every student. With an emphasis on public speaking as a unique hallmark of our program, we are dedicated to developing academic and social skills within our students that propel them into positions of leadership in Houston. 

  • Founded In: 2011 

  • Grades Served: 6-12 

  • Mascot: The Pride 

  • Mission: The Northside Pride are laser-focused on college-readiness for every student. We are dedicated to developing academic and social skills within our students that propel into positions of leadership in Houston.

  • Core Values: Community, Agent of Change, Lead Service, Display Honesty, Life-long learners 


About YES Prep Public Schools, Inc. 

Since 1995, YES Prep Public Schools has redefined what is possible in public education. We are a system of high-performing public charter schools proving that students from underserved communities can achieve at the highest academic levels. Our exceptional results demonstrate that better outcomes are not only possible, but also probable, when school systems build a culture of high expectations, and create effective support systems to ensure that student achievement is at the forefront of every decision made. 

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Our Charter School Status 

Charter schools are public schools! They are designed as complements to traditional ISDs. Charters exist to serve students that, for whatever reason, aren’t thriving in a one-size-fits-all traditional public school. Charters are free and open to all, offering every child an opportunity for a great education. Charters are given the flexibility to take creative approaches to teaching students in the way that works best for them. In exchange for that extra flexibility, charters are subject to increased accountability and transparency standards. For example, charters that receive a failing grade from the state for three years straight are shut down—no appeals allowed. This ensures that only the highest quality public charters can exist in Texas. YES Prep is a nonprofit organization. In fact, for-profit charter schools are illegal in Texas. That means that Texas charters are funded through community support and state funds. They receive no local taxpayer dollars. Every student deserves the chance to get a public education at a school that puts their needs first, regardless of zip code, income or ability level. By delivering for students from diverse backgrounds and teaching them how they learn best, public charter schools are preparing the workforce of tomorrow and the future of Texas.